
May 20, 2009
A KY Tomato Project update from Tracy Slone at Lex-Pro
Lex-Pro is very excited to be a part of the Kentucky Tomato Project. We began our participation by attending a class at Latitude Artist Community, called Get Gardening with Jim Embry. (see videos below) We were able to participate in the making of a video for the web site that would show just how simple planting is a tomato is. Everyone at Lex-Pro who attended was proud to be a part of this project which is really becoming a national movement toward building a sustainable food system.
We are waiting on dry weather to begin planting our plot in a community garden at a local park. We have been able to provide a tomato plant to everyone at Lex-Pro who wished to receive one along with instructions and encouragement for planting. This has provided an opportunity for not just the Gardeners to learn but also a class called The Best of Health Practices. Individuals are learning how important healthy eating habits and how eating lots of fruit and vegetables are for a person's long-term health. This will also provide the opportunity for some additional exercise, and time spent in the fresh air and sunshine. Another group will be helping to decorate pots and recycle materials to use for planting tomatoes, herbs and flowers right here at Lex-Pro. As you can hear the project has been a spark for lots of new ideas and excitement at Lex-Pro and we look forward to a bountiful summer.